Friday, October 31, 2014

The last lap.

Okay, firstly a big yeay because of two reasons. Firstly, I've finally hit the big 2! I don't really know if it's a good thing or a bad thing because one thing for sure, I'm starting to feel old even though I've hit the big 2, (HAHA!) Secondly, I'm on my final lap for my diploma course! Last 2 modules and then I'm official done with Diploma. *insert some of my study jamming songs* To be honest, I'm still thinking if I should continue studying right after I end this Diploma or work for 2-3 years then continue studying. I'm still thinking if I should pick up a Double Major Degree or just stay put studying in a Business course. (I don't know, maybe back to Accounting or Banking or Finance.) I'm still thinking if i should study in a Australia based University or in a UK based University. Ahhh, my mind is full of this things lately. :(

Anyway, today is the last day for the month of October. (WHY DO TIME FLIES SUPER FAST??? CAN YOU SLOW DOWN??!??) Dear October, you have been such a great month to me.(Thankfully) Other than that, I hope the last 2 months of the year would be great to me. Hopefully some great things will happen to me.(Yes I do hope so!)

Other than that, I'm really so motivated to do my very best for the last 2 modules. No wait. Actually I'm still worried about my FRA module because all I know is I actually flung my final paper. I DON'T CARE WHETHER THEY ARE BALANCE OR NOT.I DON'T CARE ABOUT THE THEORY EVEN THOUGH I WROTE SOMETHING.  (This is the perk of being an accounting student, knowing how many marks will you get when you wrote the important stuffs. Heh.) Oh I just hope a Pass will do for the exam paper and at least a Distinction as the whole module for FRA. *finger crossed*

Okay, so the last lap. Here I go. Hopefully I have some time blogging when I'm in the mist of doing this final lap because I know I'll be super busy with it. Wish me luck!

Till then. :)

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